What is Reiki?
Reiki is a safe, natural and non-intrusive energy healing method which uses life force energy to stimulate the bodies natural healing capabilities.
Studies show reiki can help to allieviate anxiety an depressive symptoms, stress and improve sleep quality.
The treatment can be delivered at a distance and is just as effective in helping to balance, heal and harmonize the mind, body and soul.​
How should I prepare for my first Reiki treatment?
Locate a space where you can lie down or sit down comfortably in an environment where it's unlikely you'll experience interruptions. It may help to wear comfortable clothing to help you get into a relaxed state.
Once the healing sssion has concluded, I recommend drinking a cup of water and to give yourself a few minutes to transition back into the next part of your day.
What is your cancellation policy?
If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, please give at least 24 hours notice to cancel or re-schedule to ensure that you will not be charged for the appointment. You can send me an email or text. My contact details can be found here.
Sessions will run for 50 minutes at a mutually agreed time. A session beginning after this time can not be extended beyond the finishing time.
How do I make payment?
I take payment in advance of sessions via bank transfer or by PayPal. Payment via PayPal is set out on the links provided.
How many sessions will I need?
It is hard to determine as this will vary from client to client dependent on the issues. I usually recommend a period of 6 sessions of counselling (excluding the assessment session) depending on the issues raised. Towards the end of these sessions, we can review our work together and take sometime to think about how many more sessions may be needed. (There are also occasions where you may feel just a few sessions would be enough to talk through your problems to gain clarity or 'off load').
In terms of Reiki I offer adhoc or stand-alone treatments.
How confidential are the sessions?
Online therapeutic sessions are bound by the same code of ethics as in person Therapy. I follow the BACP ethical framework along with their guidelines for good practice. Anything you disclose in the session is confidential. I would only consider breaking confidentiality in exceptional circumstances, for example if I believed you or someone else was at serious risk of harm or if it was required by law.
All client materials are also treated in complete confidence. I would remove all your details and records from my computer after we have finished working together and store these electronically on a password protected memory stick which is kept locked away. No identifying names are recorded on these records with clients' full names replaced by their initials.
It is common practice for all ethical counsellors' to attend regular supervision as part of ongoing profession development. It is at this time I may discuss some details of your case however, this is carried out anonymously.
You can read more here about how Doxy.me protects your privacy here.
What if I am having technical issues?
When working with technology there are times when technical issues may occur. These experiences tend to be few, however if you are unable to get online you may wish to leave me a text message or voicemail. You can reach me on +447947584698 I would also do the same via the contact details you provide if I experience difficulties.
How should I contact in an emergency?
Whilst engaged in online work, we can plan together appropriate support you could access outside of our sessions together during a crisis. For example, if you experience suicidal thoughts that you believe you may act on, please call 999 or go to A+E.